I really needed to sell a house with water damage in Jacksonville, FL last year, and it was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be.
- I knew that it should be relatively easy to find someone to sell property in Florida, but I don’t live in Jacksonville, FL or anywhere in Florida for that matter! When you live far away from your rental homes in Jacksonville, FL, you have to find a really good property manager to take care of things.
Unfortunately for me, I had a really good property manager but then he ended up quitting on me and leaving me high and dry without anyone to take care of my Jacksonville, FL rental houses! Now I am trying to decide if I should just sell my house fast because I don’t want to have to deal with any more of the issues that come along with being a rental property owner in Jacksonville, FL. Jacksonville property values are going up and it should be fairly easy for me to sell property in Florida right now. People are paying cash for houses all over the place down there but I don’t know if anyone is going to be willing to pay cash for my place. I really want to sell my property because I am sick of being a landlord at this point. I don’t want to have to deal with any more of the headaches that come along with renting a place when I don’t even live close by. I’m ready to be done with it.