I avoided the hassle & expense of dealing with fire & smoke disfigurement
As a first-time homeowner, I was not conscientious about proper upkeep. I had always rented a property & never needed to worry about ongoing repair. I wasn’t aware that the aerators on the faucets needed to be periodically rinsed or that I should drain the water boiler once or twice per year. I neglected the gutters & Heating & A/C filters. Unluckily, I never provided the dryer vent a thought. I didn’t notice when my clothes took much longer to try. I paid no attention when linens came out of the dryer feeling hot to the touch. Lint build-up in the dryer vent eventually caught fire. I was not at the apartment at the time. I’d also never gotten around to installing smoke detectors. The fire caused extensive disfigurement before the fire department showed up. Plus, the fireman caused further disfigurement by putting the fire out. The property was just about a total loss. My homeowner’s insurance was not helpful. There was no option of the dwelling meeting local safety codes, qualifying for a mortgage or passing an inspection. Listing the dwelling for sale by conventional means wasn’t a feasible option. I also couldn’t afford to invest in such extensive repairs. After a bit of research, I found a money apartment patron that has established a solid reputation throughout the Jacksonville area. I contacted them via an online form & acquired an offer within 24 hours. I avoided the hassle & expense of dealing with fire & smoke disfigurement. I was able to walk away from the dwelling in less than two weeks. Because the money apartment patron paid for the property in-full, I was able to put a down payment on a nicer property.